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Property Management Services Authority Chairperson Attends Construction Industry Council’s Webinar on “Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolding Safety”

Immediate Release

Property Management Services Authority Chairperson Attends Construction Industry Council’s Webinar on “Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolding Safety”

(Hong Kong 18 January 2022) Chairperson of the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) Mr Tony TSE said in his welcome speech in the webinar today on “Truss-out Bamboo Scaffolding Safety” organised by the Construction Industry Council (CIC) that the PMSA would, having regard to the operational needs of the industry, prepare the “Scaffolding Works to be Carried Out at Property” Code of Conduct in order to raise the awareness of safety among property management companies (PMCs) and property management practitioners (PMPs) when erecting scaffolding at properties so as to avoid accidents.

Chairperson TSE said, “Hong Kong is facing the challenges posed by ageing buildings. PMCs and PMPs have to carry out building repair and maintenance works from time to time. Scaffolds are frequently used in work-at-height. If appropriate safety measures have not been adopted in scaffolding works, accidents would readily occur leading to project delay, interruption of property operation causing inconvenience to residents or even personal injuries or deaths as well as litigation.

As the statutory and regulatory body of the property management (PM) industry, the PMSA is tasked with the mission of setting standards for integrity, competency and professionalism of the industry. The PMSA has already issued various Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides covering different PM areas in order to provide practical guidance to the industry, and for PMCs and PMPs to comply with when carrying out their PM works. The PMSA will continue to issue other Codes and Guides covering other PM areas, including the “Scaffolding Works to be Carried Out at Property” Code of Conduct, to provide guidance support for the industry. The PMSA will prepare this Code in consultation with institutions including the CIC and the Labour Department. The PMSA will also work with the CIC closely to co-organise other activities to enhance awareness in industrial safety, including the holding of related continuing learning programmes or activities.”

Since the implementation of the property management industry licensing regime in August 2020, the PMSA has already issued a total of 8 Codes of Conduct and the relevant Best Practice Guides, including “General Code of Conduct”, “Complaint Handling Mechanism of Property Management Companies”, “Effective Control over Property Management Business by Property Management Companies”, “Handling Moneys Received on behalf of Clients by Property Management Companies”, “Obligations of Property Management Companies regarding the Ending of their Appointment”, “Prevention of Corruption”, “Prescribed Conditions on Licences” and “Protection on Personal Data”. The PMSA will issue another two Codes of Conduct within this month: “Handling Payment for or Arranging Payment to be Made by Clients” and “Provision of Prescribed Information and Financial Documents to Clients”.

The PMSA will formulate these Codes in consultation with the related Government departments, public bodies and industry associations in order to provide more comprehensive and effective Codes and Guides to meet the needs of the industry. The PMSA General Manager (Regulatory) Ms Diana PANG was also a speaker at the aforementioned webinar to introduce the “Licensing and Regulatory Regime of the Property Management Industry”.

About the Property Management Services Authority

The Property Management Services Authority is the statutory body established in accordance with the Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626) and is tasked to regulate the provision of property management services by companies and practitioners in Hong Kong, and to promote professional development of the industry. Through formulating and implementing a licensing regulatory regime and other complementary measures that suit the situation in Hong Kong, the PMSA aims to encourage and assist the property management industry and its practitioners to strive for enhancement in professionalism and quality.

For more information on the PMSA, please visit its website at www.pmsa.org.hk.

Media Enquiries
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Property Management Services Authority
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