
IFMA Membership

IFMA membership is annual. Membership is renewed on the anniversary of the date your application was approved. Your option to renew each year is indefinite. We ask that membership applicants support the purpose, vision, mission, goals, core values and code of ethics of the association. Membership is individually based and is non-transferable and non-refundable.


The most common combination for IFMA Members in Hong Kong is : IFMA FM Professional Membership (US$ 219) + Hong Kong Chapter Membership (US$ 100) =  US 319/ Year


FM Professional

Open to facility practitioners and educators whose primary responsibilities are to provide, oversee or teach one (or more) facility management core competencies: Communication, Facility Information Management and Technology Management, Finance and Business, Leadership and Strategy, Occupancy and Human Factors, Operations and Maintenance, Performance and Quality, Project Management, Real Estate, Risk Management and Sustainability.


Open to individuals whose primary responsibilities include: business development; sales and/or marketing as a consultant; representation of a manufacturer, vendor, dealer or distributor; and/or provider of facility-related products and services.

Young Professional

Open to individuals who are 35 years of age or younger. Young Professional membership may not exceed five years.


Open to members in good standing upon their permanent retirement from full-time facility management practice, business development, sales and/or marketing. Should a retired member return to full-time employment as either a practitioner, in business development, or a sales and/or marketing position, he or she will be reclassified to the appropriate membership category. To join as a Retired member, please contact us at [email protected]


Open to candidates who are engaged in full-time study at an accredited college or university. At such time as the member is no longer engaged in full-time study, he or she will be reclassified to the appropriate membership category. Verification of full-time student status and expected graduation date is required. To join as a Student member, please contact us at [email protected]


Components and Additional Dues

First-year IFMA members are required to join a component: a local chapter, council or community. After the first year of membership, components are optional. Members may join more than one component. Options will be presented in the registration process.

Local Chapters



Narrow the FM world to your local interests and professional community.  Focus on common concerns and special needs specific to your unique workplace and industry.  Share work experiences and exchange best practices with colleagues who focus on the FM core competencies that interest you.
View chapter dues
Dues of Hong Kong Chapter: US 100/Year
US$55/Year $10/Year for Retired Members US$55/Year
US$10/Year for Retired Members


Membership Add-Ons

Make the most of your IFMA membership. Additional IFMA member benefits are available in the registration process:

Subscription to print issues of FMJ, IFMA’s official magazine


Knowledge Pass Subscription


IFMA Foundation Contribution

The IFMA Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the image of facility management, providing ongoing research and expanding the educational resources available to the facility management community. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation.