The judges will be looking for collaborative partnerships between one or more organizations, or departments within the same organization, that have developed a symbiotic business relationship to their mutual benefit.
Specifically, the following elements should be discussed: the details and history of the collaboration; the common goals; the means of communication; consensus building and conflict resolution, and; the achievements and future direction of the partnership.
Facility managers are one of the key stakeholders to make a positive impact in the areas of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). This award recognizes how facility managers drive the built environments or organizations to achieve social responsibility, governance & compliance and sustainability at the heart of their business strategy.
The submission should identify how facility managers incorporate policies, strategies, technology and innovation into ESG commitments and operations and demonstrate the positive changes or results have been made to the built environment or organizations as well as the long-term and sustained value that have been created for all stakeholders and the community.
This award will recognize excellence in facility management operations through a discussion of how the 11 core competencies developed by IFMA have been applied in residential properties.
The submission should also identify how you: drive continuous improvement; keep your team up-to-date on changes in FM; support your team's career development, and have achieved improvements through the application of these recognized FM management techniques. The judges will also be interested to know any innovative ideas you have implemented to promote green operations and solutions/approaches to overcome the challenges encountered.
This award will recognize excellence in facility management operations through a discussion of how the 11 core competencies developed by IFMA have been applied in commercial properties or organizations, or industrial properties.
The submission should also identify how you: drive continuous improvement; keep your team up-to-date on changes in FM; support your team's career development, and have achieved improvements through the application of these recognized FM management techniques. The judges will also be interested to know any innovative ideas you have implemented to promote green operations and solutions/approaches to overcome the challenges encountered.
This award will recognize excellence in facility management operations through a discussion of how the 11 core competencies developed by IFMA have been applied in government buildings.
The submission should also identify how you: drive continuous improvement; keep your team up-to-date on changes in FM; support your team's career development, and have achieved improvements through the application of these recognized FM management techniques. The judges will also be interested to know any innovative ideas you have implemented to promote green operations and solutions/approaches to overcome the challenges encountered.
This award will recognize excellence in facility management operations through a discussion of how the 11 core competencies developed by IFMA have been applied in institutions with a public interface to manage.
The submission should also identify how you: interacts and maintain relationship with the public; develop and implement strategies, policies & processes to manage this interface and the mandates/missions of the institution; drive continuous improvement; determine and respond to public demands and expectations; keep your team up-to-date on changes in FM; support your team's career development, and have achieved improvements through the application of these recognized FM management techniques. The judges will also be interested to know any innovative ideas you have implemented to promote green operations and resolve non-standard challenges.
The successful application of innovation and technology is a prerequisite for efficient and effective management across the organization. This award will recognize application of innovation or technology into projects and processes at any and every level that bring something new to the organization or to the FM industry. These should be original in their application to FM, but may be transferred from another area of business.
The judges will be looking for your definition of innovation and how your submission meets this definition. They also want to see: the benefits the innovation brings - over and above the normal process; how this may be applied elsewhere; if there are any special circumstances that mitigated the innovation, and; the challenges in getting the innovation through the organization structure & stakeholders.
The judges will be looking for organizations which are able to clearly understand the Demand Organization and its risk involves. The nomination must show nominee’s continuous improvement in risk management, planning actions to respond to identified opportunities & threats involves and how to determine any issues identified and organization’s requirements will be addressed.
This award will recognize partner of facility manager who developed outstanding business model or product, to upskill and reskill FM organization and to elevate the FM performance in order to breakthrough value for the demand organization.
Since the project could be a newly developed product or service, nominee can demonstrate successful development process that shake-up the “FM lifestyle” as the evidence of achievement in the submission.
The judges will be looking for outstanding service providers with a proven track record of delivering service above & beyond the contracted scope of the agreement with the client.
In particular, the submission should focus on: talent management; training; currency in the FM profession; risk management, and; auditing & reporting to show compliance to scope.
Additionally, you should cover how you manage the client's expectations and your work related to the client’s corporate responsibilities such as community outreach and sustainability.
This award will recognize outstanding Facilities Managers who have demonstrated an exceptional contribution to the FM professional and to the success of their organization through his/her knowledge; competency; enthusiasm, and; effectiveness.