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IFMA Hong Kong Chapter Newsletter (Feb 2021)

2020 was not an easy year. In the face of all of the uncertainties, changes, and challenges, facility management was surely valued as an essential industry — on the one hand, to ensure a safe, comfortable, and effective environment in which people live, work and play; and on the other hand to embrace remote management in this ‘new age’ of FM. I would like to applaud all facility managers who have been performing their duties faithfully and doing their utmost to complete every task throughout these hard times!

IFMA Asia Pacific Awards of Excellence

The IFMA Asia Pacific Awards of Excellence provide a perfect platform to recognize the outstanding achievement of individuals and organizations, and to honour those who have made exceptional contributions to the advancement of the facility management profession. After evaluating a variety of new and ongoing factors — especially the corporate travel restrictions, social distancing, and gathering restrictions still in place for many individuals — we have decided to re-schedule the 2020 presentation ceremony (video filming) to 2nd March 2021. Results of the Awards will be announced to the public via a global broadcast in March 2021.

Membership Verification

Following the implementation of the property management licensing regime in 2020, the IFMA Hong Kong Chapter, as one of the Recognised Professional Bodies of the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA), is obliged to inform PMSA about the membership status of its members who are also licensees of the PMSA. We hereby request all members of the IFMA Hong Kong Chapter who are also licensees of the PMSA to inform us of their PMP status by 20th February 2021.

With effect from 5th February 2021, members who already hold the Certified Facility Manager(CFM) credential and who wish to apply for PMP (Tier 1) are requested to submit a letter of verification issued by IFMA Hong Kong Chapter, an official membership receipt, and a CFM certificate to complete their application. Please contact our Chapter Administrator at [email protected] for more details.

Corporate Partners

I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our three new corporate partners: JEB Greater China Ltd, Lutron GL Limited, and Nespresso – Division of Nestle Hong Kong Ltd. The facility management community is diverse, and through collaborations with our 21 corporate partners, we strive to bring our members new insights and updates on the latest industry trends in order to carry out our mission to ‘advance the ​professional discipline of facility management’.

Finally, may the coming New Year bring you joy, love, and peace. I wish you a very happy Year of the Ox 2021.

Kendrew Leung
President, The Hong Kong Chapter of IFMA
