About Us

President's Message

Time flies — we are rapidly coming to the end of the current Chapter Year, which ends on 30 June 2021. I am deeply honoured to have served the IFMA Hong Kong Chapter as President for the 2020/2021 session. With your unfailing support, I believe we have achieved a fruitful year, even under COVID-19. I would like to thank all members of the Board of Directors and Committee Members for their dedication, hard work and support throughout the year. It has been a pleasure working with you all.

The global pandemic has brought our standard office-occupied, 9-to-6 working life to a totally different mode of operation, but that does not mean our continuous professional development has had to stop. From July 2020, we have successfully attracted around 2,000 attendees to our professional development events, which is very encouraging to us.

In addition, I would like to bring you all a piece of good news. Our efforts in promoting facility management have been recognized — we are one of the winners of CorpHub’s Hong Kong Most Outstanding Leaders Awards 2021, specifically being named as Asia’s Most Outstanding Facility Management Association Of The Year.

I look forward to your continuous support so that we continue to learn, connect and advance together

Kendrew Leung
President, The Hong Kong Chapter of IFMA
