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Feedback on Proposed Amendments to the Buildings Ordinance

Dear Members,

We are excited to share the recent Building Ordinance Consultation event hosted by the Property Management Services Authority (PMSA). It was an honour to have our President Dora Yim and Director Kenneth Tsang represent us at the event.

We were also privileged to welcome Ms. Choi Mui Fun, Jenny, JP, Deputy Secretary for Development (Planning & Lands)2, who shared valuable insights. This event highlighted our commitment to enhancing collaboration and innovation in property management.

Additionally, we sent our feedback on the proposed amendments from the Buildings Ordinance to the Development Bureau today. We look forward to continuing these important discussions! 
Please check out our social media platfroms for the event photos!
Facebook: IFMA Hong Kong Chapter
Instagram: @ifmahkchapter
LinkedIn: The Hong Kong Chapter of IFMA
