Election of the 7/2024-6/2025 Executive Board of Directors for the IFMA HK Chapter
As we approach the end of the current Chapter year on June 30, 2024, we are now preparing for the election of the Executive Board of Directors for the upcoming Chapter year, which will run from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025. In the near future, you will receive an election ballot to cast your vote.
To assist you in making an informed decision, we have provided a list of nominees put forward by the Nomination Committee, which was established by the Board of Directors. Each nominee’s brief biography is included alongside their name. The Board of Directors is confident that the nominated individuals are highly qualified for their respective positions and have demonstrated dedication to the growth and progress of our Chapter.
To propose alternative nominees for any of the posts, please submit your proposal to the Chapter Administrator via email at [email protected] by March 25, 2024. Your proposal should include the following information:
The post for which the nomination is being made
Name of the person being nominated
Their IFMA membership details
Name of their current employer
Full contact details, including mobile phone number and email address
A brief biography highlighting their experience in property and facility management
Your name and contact details as the nominator (please note that the nominator must be a member of IFMA)
Any nominees who meet the above requirements and complies with the conditions set forth in the IFMA by-laws, while being a member in good standing with the Association, will be included on the election ballot for the specific post and will be eligible for election.
We appreciate your active involvement in the nomination process, as it allows us to consider a diverse range of candidates for the Executive Board of Directors.
Should you have any further questions or require clarification, please feel free to reach out to me or the Chapter Administrator.