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PMSA Briefing: Codes of Conduct for Property Management

The licensing regime for property management industry (Licensing Regime) has come into operation since August last year. To enhance the professionalism of PM companies (PMCs) and PM practitioners (PMPs), The Property Management Services Authority (PMSA) has issued codes of conduct and relevant Best Practice Guides for different PM areas to provide practical guidance for the industry.

The PMSA has issued three codes of conduct after the implementation of the Licensing Regime, including "General Code of Conduct", "Complaint Handling Mechanism of Property Management Companies", as well as "Effective Control over Property Management Business by Property Management Companies".

For details of the codes, the relevant Best Practice Guides and Frequently Asked Questions, you may refer to the PMSA’s webpage at https://www.pmsa.org.hk/en/regulatory/regulating-licensees#reg-04

Mr Kevin Cheung, General Manager (Regulatory), Property Management Services Authority

Cantonese Date 1 April 2021 Time 4:00 - 5:30pm

