Dear Corporate Partners, Members and Associates,
The easing of pandemic control measures for Covid-19 has made 2023 an encouraging and exciting year. It has been almost three years since we anticipated this moment. We plan to engage in a variety of activities in the upcoming year in order to make up for the losses of the past few years. ESG is one of the primary goals, and it will be our primary focus throughout the Rabbit year.
Environmental - We are committed to collaborating with our corporate partners in order to explore novel and emerging technologies to support the Government's vision of achieving "Zero-carbon emissions. Liveable city. Sustainable development”. To investigate the development of solar photovoltaic panels, artificial intelligence (AI) technology, and electrification, among other things. It is therefore crucial that we establish connections between local and international universities so that professors can share their knowledge and inventions with us.
Social - In the coming year, we plan to actively recruit more university students to join us in order to provide them with a greater opportunity to gain a first-hand understanding of the work of senior executives in corporations. As part of our efforts to create a harmonious society, we have a responsibility to develop and nurture our young professionals to become our new and fresh supporters within our industry.
Governance - In the private sector, there is an emerging trend towards green financing and increasing transparency in the company's account in order to achieve a better interest rate and return on investments. Essentially, our Chapter serves as a bridge to bring experts and companies together. Our hope is to invite more professionals from financial institutions, auditing firms, accounting firms, law firms, etc., to share their insights on this topic. Having a diverse focus is definitely beneficial for our Chapter in this regard.
As a final note, following my message last time, please reserve the date of 2 March 2023 for our 30th Anniversary Dinner at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. There will be an announcement very soon regarding the details.
Wishing you a happy and prosperous New Year in 2023.
Kenneth TSANG