Thu May 16 @00:00 - 00:00
Hong Kong Jockey Club Conghua Racecourse
第一天:香港 - 乘坐高鐵抵達廣州
1300-1500 搭乘高鐵前往廣州南
1530-1700 參觀「天匯廣場」
1700-1900 前往從化
1930-2030 晚餐後入住酒店
0800-0900 酒店早餐
0900-1200 參觀廣州從化馬場
1200-1300 午餐
1300-1500 返回廣州
1500 乘高鐵返港
1. By Paypal -
2. By Bank Transfer - Deposit
the fee to The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (A/C No:
741-754238-838) and send the bank in slip to [email protected]
3. By Cheque - Please issue cheque payable to “The Hong
Kong Chapter of The International Facility Management Association Limited”
(Please note the company name has changed since 1st Jan 2024) and mail your cheque to The Hong Kong Chapter of IFMA, P.O. Box. No. 84395, Hung Hum Bay Post Office. Please mark down your name & mobile no. at the back of the cheque
Remittance details
Bank Sort Code: 004 (HSBC)
Account No.: 741-754238-838
Account name: The Hong Kong Chapter of The International Facility Management Association Limited (Please note the company name has changed since 1st Jan 2024)
Address: 1 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong.