Wed Aug 30 @00:00 - 00:00
Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre
Create More Values & Business Opportunities For The Property Management Sector In A Customer-Centric World
Households nowadays are demanding more premium property management service and experience. People are no longer content with bare-bones standard services such as day-to-day security, cleaning, gardening, and repair and maintenance. They are looking for more versatile, value-added and customized services.
Capturing this trend and market need, Comasia Limited successfully launched the inaugural edition of International Property Management & Procurement Expo in November, 2021. The 3 rd edition of the Expo scheduled to be held on 30 August - 1 September, 2023 sets to once again render property managers and service providers in Hong Kong, Mainland China and across Asia an exceptional platform to access new solutions to enhance their service quality and help make their operation cost-effective, more professional and all-rounded.
Details: https://www.propexhongkong.com/en/show-info/introduction