Tue Aug 23 @17:30 - 19:00
Crucial to the safety, functionality and sustainability of buildings and infrastructure, facility management (FM) embraces a broad range of functions that need to be effectively delivered, monitored and managed by competent FM practitioners. Over the past few decades, FM has continued to mature as a professional discipline, internationally and locally. In Hong Kong, however, the status quo of the FM competencies is not clear. As such, Dr. Joseph Lai initiated a survey, which was supported by The Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association (IFMA), Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM) and Building Services Operation and Maintenance Executives Society (BSOMES). The survey was conducted on FM practitioners in Hong Kong and the data collected were analysed to unveil, for each of the FM competencies, the practitioners’ perceived importance and achieved levels. The methodology, process and outcomes of the survey will be presented in this seminar.
With a first-class honours degree in building services engineering, a master’s degree in environmental management, a PhD in facility management (FM) and over a decade of professional practice, Dr. Joseph Lai combines professional and academic roles as a scholar in FM teaching and research. Having served as the Programme Leader of PolyU’s MSc in Facility Management (2013-2021), Dr. Lai is currently an Associate Head of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering. The honours Dr. Lai received include Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Dean’s Award for Outstanding Achievement in Academic Programme Development, and Distinguished Educator Award of the International Facility Management Association. Dr. Lai is Co-Editor of the Facilities journal and Associate Editor of the Smart and Sustainable Built Environment journal. The past and present key roles of Dr. Lai in professional institutions include IFMA Foundation’s Academic Advisor (Asia), HKIFM’s Director of Research, and BSOMES’s Vice President, among others. Dr. Lai has served on various committees of the government/public bodies, and he has been active in accrediting courses and delivering seminars, training courses and consultancy projects.
Cantonese with English terminology
1.5 hours