Conferences & Events

IFMA Webinar: PMSA Briefing on Licensing Regime (Cantonese Session)

Thu Oct 22 @16:30 - 17:30IFMA

The Licensing Regime for Property Management Companies (PMCs) and Property Management Practitioners (PMPs) (Licensing Regime) commenced with effect from, 1 August 2020. Under the proposed licensing regime, property management companies (PMCs) which provide more than one category of PM services are required to be licensed. Property management practitioners (PMPs) assuming managerial or supervisory roles in these PMCs are also subject to licensing while frontline staff will not be required to obtain licences.

The Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association (IFMA) was recognized as Recognised Professional Body (RPB) by PMSA in March 2020. Certified Facility Manager® (CFM®) who is also a Professional Member, Associate Member or Young Professional Member of the Hong Kong Chapter of International Facility Management Association can meet the proposed criteria on professional qualification requirement of property management practitioner (PMP) Tier 1 license by PMSA.


Mr Kevin Cheung General Manager (Regulatory), Property Management Services Authority
