Fri July 29 @14:00 - 16:00
The webinar will provide an overview of the concept of circular economy and how it relates to the broader net zero discussions that are receiving increasing attention globally. Panelists will also share tangible examples on application of circular economy in different countries and how FM intervene in the process.
Part 1 (2pm – 3pm, HKT) :
Webinar: International Perspective of Circularity by Prof David Greenfield
Part 2 (3pm – 4pm, HKT) : Discussion Panel:
• Raefer Wallis, CEO & Founder, GIGA RESET
• Cameron McKenzie, CEO (Australia, Hong Kong), ASPIRE
• Prof David Greenfield, Vice President, Circular Economy Institute (CEI)
• Moderator: Jenny YEUNG, IFMA ESUS
Founder and MD, SOcial, ENvironmental & EConomic Solutions David is managing director and founder of SOENECS, a research and innovation practice in 2014 following 15 years in leadership roles in local and regional government. SOENECS provide strategic research, advice, training, solutions, chairing and facilitation on the topics of circular economy, environmental auditing, waste & resource management. His innovative projects include co-founding www.potholespotter.co.uk and www.techtakeback.co.uk. David is leading the creation of the Brighton & Hove City Council Circular Economy routemap. David is responsible for External Affairs in Europe for the “Circular Economy Club (CEC)”, he is also a Mentor and the organiser of CEC London, co-organiser of Circular Brighton & Hove, he is non-executive Chair of the CIWM Enterprises Board, Trustee and Director of Freegle, Chair of the ICE Resource Management Panel, Government Adviser to DEFRA and MHCLG and advisor and past chair to the National Waste Network Chairs (WNC). In the last two years David has co-created and is managing: The Department for Transport (DfT) funded research project “Pothole Spotter” – using existing assets (RCVs’) to prevent potholes using HD cameras and the potential of AI. “Tech-Takeback” – a partnership between SOENECS, Freegle, EraseMydata and Brighton & Hove City Council to collect stranded resources through pop-up shops. “The Hove Trinity Trust” - a revolving fund for investment in energy efficiency and community access in churches in Hove.
Cameron's strengths can be found in commercialising impactful solutions, risk management, leadership, and upskilling within a team for problem-solving and personal development. When completing a Master in Construction Management at Swinburne University, Cameron found a passion for Circular Economy and sustainability.
Cameron is an engaging manager with 20+ years of industry experience. He has extensive technical expertise in various roles and project briefs. Cameron has been responsible for designing, converting, and delivering large complex projects, including commercialising CSIRO & Data61 governmental program ASPIRE.
Cameron's project development, design and knowledge with the ability to capitalise on opportunity have been complemented with the knowledge and skills gained through a double master's (MBA & a Masters in Entrepreneurship and Innovation).
Raefer Wallis, is an Architect and the founder of GIGA, an independent third party combining the development of building standards with cloud technology to increase the accessibility and impact of healthy buildings globally. GIGA’s key programs include RESET and ORIGIN.
RESET is the world’s first building standard to assess and benchmark the health performance of buildings in real-time.
ORIGIN is the world’s largest hub of data on building materials and a proud supporter of the mindful Materials initiative.
Based in Shanghai, Raefer is behind many firsts, including the first carbon-neutral hotel in Asia, the first eco-regenerative retreat in China and largest modern rammed-earth building in the world. GIGA has played a critical role in completing Asia’s first LEED platinum resort, the first LBC projects in China as well as authoring the first regional / Chinese language EPDs, HPDs and Declare labels.
Raefer has co-authored books on modern rammed-earth construction and alternative chemicals assessment, published by Woodhead and the Royal Society of Chemistry respectively. Regularly invited to lecture around the world, his work has been featured by the NYT, CNN, CBC, TED, WSJ and many more.
Part 1 (2pm – 3pm)
Part 2 (3pm – 4pm)
2 hours
*** This Activity / Course is recognised under the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Scheme of the Property Management Services Authority as an “Official” activity relating to “Seminars/ Workshops” in the “Core” content category. Property Management Practitioner licence holders may earn [2] CPD hours through participating this activity/course.